Tonight at dinner I told Kalen I wanted to start doing more individual "learning time" with him and Brady during the day. I told him I wanted to teach him his lowercase letters and I wanted to teach Brady his colors. When I mentioned I was going to use M&M's to teach Brady colors, Kalen said he needed to learn his colors as well. I said, "Kalen, you've known your colors for over 2 years don't need to practice colors." He said he's forgotten them, so I asked him what color the tablecloth was. He said, "Www. See...I only know the first part of the color." Teasingly, I said, "Kalen, your nose is growing right now because you're lying...just like Pinocchio." He smiled too and that was that--for the moment anyways.
We started talking about other things, but about 15 minutes later he looked up from his food and said, "Mom, I'm not going to lie anymore. The tablecloth is white." I was surprised and said, "Thanks Kalen, I know you won't." Then, a minute later and completely serious, he asked "Did my nose go back to normal?"
So cute! Good teaching moment, too! :)
That is so cute! I always love hearing your mom stories, especially with Kalen since he's talking and has such a vibrant personality. It amazes me.
Honestly, I can't believe how big Kalen has grown. It seems like he was just born yesterday. What a cutie!
Oh my gosh! Cutest story ever! They are so innocent! I can just see him saying that! You are such a great Mom!
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